Leading businesses launch the UK Green Hydrogen Alliance

Posted on 10 July 2023

​Several leading businesses from high-carbon industries like steel and aviation have partnered to launch a new Green Hydrogen Alliance (GHA) to support the UK in remaining competitive worldwide in developing low-carbon hydrogen systems. The GHA will work as an independent group for multiple businesses in key industries, exploring how low-carbon hydrogen can be applied to decarbonise selected economy parts, including power, road haulage and aviation. The current business members include Airbus, Air Products, Associated British Ports, London City Airport, Tata Steel, and World Kinect, as well as an advisory board including Cranfield University and the Thames Estuary Growth Board.

The GHA intends to enable the UK to remain competitive globally in the hydrogen industry and ensure the nation doesn’t lose pace with other hydrogen-focused regions like Germany and the Netherlands, which have delivered their hydrogen strategies. The GHA will also explore the economic impacts that green hydrogen could have on various regions within the UK.

A representative for the GHA explains that Green Hydrogen could provide a stable source of green energy while also enabling the UK in its plans to decarbonise.

A representative for the GHA explains that Green hydrogen can provide a secure supply of green energy while supporting the UK in its efforts to decarbonise. The GHA intends to collaborate with policymakers to ensure the UK can reach its potential with innovative technology.

At the beginning of this year, the UK Government announced plans to launch a globally recognised certification scheme for low-carbon hydrogen production and generation. The Government intends to introduce a consultation focused on generating industry feedback and plans to have the certification scheme in place by 2025. The UK plans to host over 10GW of low-carbon hydrogen production capacity by 2030, with at least half of this figure being green hydrogen. The remaining portion will be predominantly blue hydrogen, derived from natural gas and supported with carbon-capturing technologies. The accelerated rise in gas prices and the early stage development of the carbon capture market has caused some debate from green-focused groups on adopting this approach with hydrogen.

Discussions around whether hydrogen is best for accelerating decarbonisation and improving the national economy continue. Gas networks and producers are particularly interested in taking a blended approach with heating to support their business case, but representatives within the Science and Technology Committee have warned ministers that hydrogen will likely have a very specific role in decarbonising the economy.

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